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13 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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This movie had KEWL animashun and liek....really funni jokes LOL?

Xenon responds:

lol no rily bad writinguh


I would rather of seen 25 seconds of frame by frame hand drawn fighting then a sssssssssllllllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwwww build up like that. It had very little real animation.

poxpower responds:

indeed :)
I don't have enough time dammit. I have to draw online comics >: (
I have to go to college >: (
I have to reply to all my reviews >: (


I think you blow as an animator, but you just spent a lot of time on your drawings. You need to learn fluid movement, so the fight isn't 6 frames. Split up the legs/arms/body/torso/head/ect into seperate movie clips and just frame by frame them. I don't really know what to say to that movie except it was kind of a waste of time for you.

powermasterprime responds:

I figured if I did split up the body that the perspective of some of the scenes would be shot..but I'll try to do it next time.
Glad to know that I wasted my time, lol.


My favorite movie of all time. Nice job.

Skruggs responds:

I am going to take that my animation was your favorite movie of all time. But thats only because I am a stupid ignorant fool.

Great style

Wow, that was great. I wish you would make a samurai movie. Your style looks like it would match with samurais well. my only problem was that the action was a little slow for a fighting laser DBZ movie. That is why i think the samurai moie would pawn. The legs looked very samurai too. I think you should expand beyond DBZ.

djchrispy responds:

DUDE i know what you mean man but i was thinking, instead of that, i could like, have this movie, with this building, and like, 3 million stick figures jump off of it, and then like, samurais are fighting aliens on skateboards, and america shoots all the governers and makes california oficially a part of texas. And the man behind it is... George Bu.. *gets shot in the head*

To kill the boss,

To kill the boss it should be a non-stop 3 minutes of kicking, flipping and puching. Before the final melee super brawl there should be magic, plot, weapons and such. If you finish this, im sure you'd make it on the all-time best list. Good luck

solidblur responds:

Hey...maybe I will do that...or somethinglike it...like "takeoff" move.

Now that we know you have skillzzzz

What will your movies be like?HUH?HUH?because you got boobs, I mean skillzzzzz.
(the amount of z's are porportional to the skills of the flash artist, maximum amount of z's=6)

EvilSlut responds:

Yeah....I got boobs...and glad of it too >=D

Hella long

Need better voices and more of the killer. Maybe better drawings, this must have taken you like 2 months. Still good

RogerregoRRoger responds:

is the fact that it took me 2 months a disadvantage?For me yes, but not for the movie..To be honoustm it didn`t took 2 months, probably only 2 weeks(drawing it)..the voice acting took 3 weeks tough...

Yeah I created Pizza Guys, that's probably why you're looking at my file.

Age 36, Male


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